Patch and caps. Also pictures of personnel wearing AST 7 caps. If they are wearing these caps on that duty station , this is the Philippines ca. 1958. Only person I can identify is my father Bill Jones Sr.

Submitted By Bill Jones Jr.


Photos By Mike Walczak


Click HERE for Pete Kessinger Photos

Click HERE for Bill Crawford's H-19 pix

Click HERE for Roy Velvicks Pix

Click HERE for Greg Gregoire's Pix

Thanks To Ray Monahan For These Pix




If anyone has info for identifying the images with blank captions, please e-mail with info and picture number.

Thanks to Bob Eagle for The ID on on the far right picture, seven rows down.

Thanks to Bob Oberst,and Harry Webb, RB-50F Maintenance-1376th CAMRON, Jerry Wheeler-Prop Maint.-1371st, Bob Cassube, RB-50F Mainenance Scanner, David Cuthbertson, RB-50F Pilot-1371st M and C Sq., and Earl J. Mahoney, HIRAN Operator-1374th M and C Sq., and Barry 'Da Bear' King, Photographer, 1371st M and C Sq.

Click Thumbnail for larger image

ist RB-50F Crew at AST #7, Clark AFB, PI

AST #7 Enlisted Quarters, Clark AFB, PI     AST #7 Fastpitch Softball Team





    Bob Eaton and Vernon Steele

    RB-50F Crew Patch, 1370th PMW, AST #7, Clark AFB, PI, 1960

RB-50F 47-0125 Nose Gear Collapses On Landing At Clark AFB, PI
Story submitted by Jerry Wheeler

RB-50F 47-0125 after nose gear collapsed on landing at Clark AFB, PI Text of story for picture at left More Text

A/2C Bob Oberst flying Rt. Scanner going to Japan RB-50F 47-0160 Radio Check, Please A/2C Ben F. Horn A/1C Harry Webb A/2C Robert Johnson relaxing

A/1C Herman C. Ouzts at work A/2C Bob Oberst at Maint. Office Payday A/2C Bob Oberst, A/1C Par H. Stewart A/1C Harry E. Webb, S/SGT Lewis Archer, A/2C Robert Johnson, A/2C James B Daniels

A/1C Herman Ouzts, A/2C Robert Johnson Rapid Transport Pitching Horseshoes Bon Voyage Dinner Bon Voyage Dinner

Town Square in Angeles City, PI Angeles City, PI Market

These photos from South China Sea Aerial Survey Project, 1957, and other Philippines pictures, were submitted by Earl J. Mahoney(1374th M and C)

These photos on board LST-230 H-19 Helicopter Carrier, 1957


And here(as Paul Harvey used to say) is the rest of Earl's story:)






These photos from South China Sea Aerial Survey Project, 1957(Scanned from DEC 2001 Photomapper), were taken by David Cuthbertson

Who are these two? Lt. David Cuthbertson gets some RB-50 right seat time MAJ Victor Pasetti and CAPT Herman Carnell at Clark, AFB, PI CAPT John L. Sullivan RB-50F gets an F-86D escort




RB-50 # 7123 getting oxygen 1961 RB-50 starter change at Yakota AFB, JP 1961 A/2C Ben Horn on top RB-50 #7123 1961 S/SGT Albresch fixing leaky valve covers 1961 S/SGT Albresch fixing leaky valve covers 1961

S/SGT Albresch fixing leaky valve covers 1961 RB-50F 47-0123 L-R MAJ Glenn Starmer, S/SGT Charles Albresch, A/2C Ben Horn, S/SGT Leonard Willsey, A/2C Robert Oberst 1961 RB-50 #7123 closeup of cockpit 1961 RB-50 47-0123 at AST #7, Clark AFB, PI 1961 RB-50 #7123 with S/SGT Charles Albresch

S/SGT Willsey parking RB-50 #7123 1961 S/SGT Willsey, Flight Crew?(unk), A/2C Ben Horn 1961 A/2C Ben Horn on RB-50 #7123 1961 A/2C Bob Cassube leaning on RB-50 prop 1961 A/1C Harry Webb working on prop, AST#7, 1961

Periodic inspection-AST#7, Clark AFB, PI 1961 Note the bucket of 'Prop Wash'on the stand A/1C Harry Webb Removing a prop on an RB-50F A/1C Harry Webb & S/SGT Scoggins remove RB-50 prop. A/1C Slim Heckler & A/2C Bob Cassube